Single Girder Electric Overhead Cranes (SGEOTCs) are electric cranes that consist of usually one monorail hoist mounted underneath a single girder, usually either an I-beam or box girder. They generally cater for relatively smaller loads of up to 12.5 tones and spans of within 30 meters. The entire crane travels on a runway beam installed directly onto the building columns via corbels or on its own column. Standard SGEOTCs have 6 axes of motion: up & down (hoisting), left & right along the girder (cross travel), and forward backward along the runways (long travel).
Our SGEOTCs can handle most standard industrial material handling needs and have found service in a wide and diverse set of industries, such as:
SGEOTCs can be designed to various capacities, heights, and spans to suit your needs.
Our wire rope hoists utilize extra high strength galvanized wire rope, with multiple times factor of safety to meet and exceed requirements established by the Department of Safety and Health Malaysia as well as the European FEM.
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